As Yet Untitled Work In Progress.

by Christopher Marshall
12th October 2014

Sounds can often paint as big a picture as any artist. Noises being a medium that expands in four dimensions, fading as time passes. And sometimes, if only very rarely, a single sound, gone in a second, has the power to herald great change.

The sun was falling. Sharp cracks cut through the bustle of organised chaos that constitutes the average city. Three, in short succession, each covering the noise of cracking glass as the bullets found their marks. No screams though. The only witnesses being accustomed to being under fire, they acted exactly as good bodyguards should, instantly attempting to defend their man. Who, unfortunately for them, was already dead in the back of his car, three high calibre rounds having passed through his anatomy.


May I give you a reading suggestion? Try anything by James Lee Burke. He writes beautifully descriptive language but does so in between the action scenes. That way his action scenes read as action scenes, and feel real and interesting.

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