
by Mark Page
27th July 2024

Will you still love me, even when you do not love yourself? Will you still remember me, even when you do not remember yourself?
What will happen when our paths cross once more? Will your eyes still glow, and your heart still race as I enter the room?
What will I mean to you if nostalgia has faded?
What will I mean to you, if you do not even know who you are, or what you are?
Has history been undone? Was it all for nothing? Am I a stranger, in a distant and asymmetrical friendship?
Am I a stalker? A fan or a secret lover? Watching from afar, admiring you, loving you
Without comprehension, without acceptance, like two strangers on the subway at midnight
You are a vessel of a man, an empty shell of a man whose character, demeanour and warmth slowly burns out and fizzles away like a
bonfire in the night
Where did your memories go? Where did our memories go? How can you lose someone without losing them at all?
It breaks my heart to think, you do not even realise what is happening to you
Was there a single last day or single last moment when you understood who I was, what I was
And yet had the consciousness to acknowledge and understand your own illness
Before Slipping away and leaving us, without leaving us at all
There is no warning, no sign, no one tells you that it is time to say goodbye
No one warned me that our last conversation was in fact our last conversation
I am staring into your eyes, talking to the man I once knew screaming inside, “where are you?” “ Where are you?”
One day you are smouldering and blinking, dancing like embers, and the following day you are cold, dark and dormant
It feels like unreciprocated love, but I know that is not true
You are in there somewhere, deep, deep down and I pray that you know who I am
I will remember you; I have enough memories for the both of us, I have enough love for a million of us
If my tears were medicine I could flood the earth, sail away with you and never look back
Where will you be waiting? The real you, the true you, the original you, how do I find you again?
Please show me the staircase and I will climb it forever, I will embrace you, treasure you, rescue you, I will bring you back home
Say you will hold me once more, tell me that we will dance like time has stood still just for you & I
Let us relive and revive the glories of old, as we stand alone together in a room full of people
Life is a cruel, cruel mistress, we have been cheated, robbed and deprived of a heart so true
I could travel the earth and live for a thousand years, but there will never be, another YOU.

Areas of interest
