Writing a birth or pregnancy scene in your novel, short story or screenplay? Only have minimal information on the nitty-gritty? Want advice...
Learning how to become a more objective reader of your work is a tricky skill to master. In this section on Editing, read through our articles offering help and guidance on how to best approach the editing process, and develop the tools you need to make your work the best it can possibly be ahead of submission to an editor, literary agent or publisher.
20:23 The ability to ignore things I should probably not be ignoring is definitely a crucial skill to my writerly endeavours. Currently I’m...
Enter 'writeNOW' at checkout and receive a 10% discount on our editing services, our one-year Listings subscriptions, and any W&A event...
Christmas is all about giving, so if you're a writer in need of some guidance - or know someone who has an idea and needs a bit...
I’ve been a member of various critique groups over the many years that I’ve been trying to wrestle ideas out of my head and onto the page. Each...