Find Your Voice 2024 - Reading List Confirmed

3rd January 2024
2 min read
9th January 2024
Find Your Voice 2024 Reading List

Author and creative writing tutor Natalie Young reveals the books she'll be referring to during Find Your Voice, our online writing course designed to guide writers looking to build their confidence and voice, and explore their personality on the page.

The course is suitable for writers of fiction and creative non-fiction, and will provide all participants with a collaborative space in which to develop individual writing styles and book ideas, making it perfect for writers either in the embryonic stages of a writing journey, or for those with a completed draft but aware of the need to further interrogate their work and/or regain creative momentum.

For a full course outline and booking details, click here


Finding Your Voice: Reading List (January 2023)

Olive Kitteridge by Elizabeth Strout

Olive Kitteridge


LANNY by Max Porter



POND by Claire-Louise Bennett



Beloved by Toni Morrison



An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge by Ambrose Bierce

An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge


On Earth We’re Briefly Gorgeous by Ocean Vuong

On earth you're briefly gorgeous


How to Tell A War Story by Tim O’Brien

The Things They Carried


The Signalman by Charles Dickens


The Signalman


Testimonials from previous course attendees:

"I loved Find Your Voice. It made me feel like I could do this! I have come away feeling encouraged as a writer." Diane Woodrow

"Very useful. The exercises have driven a number of new pieces and the expertise and experience of the tutors was invaluable." Tony Black

"I absolutely loved it. I felt heard and respected and loved the feedback and seeing how it improved my work." Fiona Houston

Book your place at 'Find Your Voice' here.

Areas of interest
