NaNoWriMo: Week 1

8th November 2013
4 min read
17th December 2020

Word Count So Far: 

Janet author pic

They say time goes fast when you are having fun.  I am busy but my Word Count is 16,722. My story is developing well and I am very excited about it.  For this month I am relinquishing my Gym classes and my Music (Keyboard) classes!

When/where have you found yourself writing the most?

I've been most productive mid-morning after chores are finished.  This is when most of my words are written.  I find the rest of my target words have been completed late afternoon, or early evening.  Although we do have a study, I write on the dining room table, with the door open, and the sun streaming in.

In your introductory blog you told us you planned to set your novel in an up market department store.  How has it developed so far?

It's been an interesting place in which to set my novel, especially with having experience in such an environment. It has offered so much scope for a diversity of the characters I have created.I am enjoying the glamour of the surrounds and what it offers as a backdrop.



You talked about 'interviewing' each of your characters before NaNoWriMo began.  Did they make for interesting candidates?

This was a 'first' process for me, which I would definitely recommend, certainly for one's major characters.  I didn't manage to interview all my characters timelessly before the competition began.  As regards the characters I did interview, I was amazed what was revealed. I have individual files for each of my active characters.  As well as their names on the front of each file I have printed colour pictures of how I perceive the character and this somehow makes them vibrant and alive for me.  In the creation process, if I was to choose a single tool to aid one, especially where the writer has to create so speedily, this would be it.  I know that personally I'm a very visual person.  As I write each day I feel my characters are all around me.  I think my characters are very interesting. They come from all walks of life.

Can you tell us a little more about your main character (a young lady lawyer)?

I have two pictures on her file.  The first is when she was a teenager and my reader will only learn about that part of the story, where she had many hopes and dreams, through backstory.  My second picture where the story begins she is a media and corporate lawyer who, of necessity, becomes involved in the running of the department store.  She is a single mother of a ten year old daughter.  Her parents owned a luxurious Game Reserve in South Africa so as a child my lady lawyer grew up in the Great Outdoors.

This week's biggest challenge?

To the element of Romance in my story, I have also now added mystery.  My biggest challenge will be continuing with this and also combining the investigative element.

Hopes for next week:

That my characters talk to me as well as they did this week.  Also, to effectively keep to the structural aspect of my novel, which I have successfully done so far.

NaNoWriMo in a Nutshell (week one):

I could not have disciplined myself to be so effective with my writing if it had not been for the competition.  Also knowing so many others in this community of writers are involved has really helped.

Photo from Photo Ref. 12481678.

Writing stage


Thank you so much, Roz! I already have taken much of my inspiration from you!

Profile picture for user janetgal_29244
Janet F
270 points
Practical publishing
Crime, Mystery, Thriller
Speculative Fiction
Janet F Gallagher

Hey Janet, it's great to see how your novel is shaping up with this intensive sprint. I love that idea of having pictures of your main character at different points in her life - what a fab way of getting a feel for how she changes, the phases that might still come out as traits and the way she might change again.


Profile picture for user rozmorri_28209
270 points
Practical publishing
Autobiography, Biography and Memoir
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Speculative Fiction
Roz Morris