3 chapters or 50 pages?

by Alex Smith
22nd December 2017

My first 3 chapters currently add up to 10 A4 pages of 5,000 words total. A lot of agents ask for either 3 chapters or 50 pages and I was wondering whether I should send more of the book to make up 50 pages or keep it short and sweet?


Send exactly what is asked for. Otherwise you risk the agent chucking the whole lot in the bin. If they want 3 chapters, send 3 chapters. If they want 50 pages, that's what you send. They usually ask for a synopsis of the rest. The 3 chapters are just to give a flavour of your writing, while the synopsis gives them an idea of your plotting ability and the progress of your story from A to Z. And yes, you do need to say what happens in the end!


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