Is 70,000 Words for a Sci-Fi novel enough...?

by Mykie Hall
15th April 2013

I would like to thank everyone who answered my first question. The answers were varied but all equally as helpful and I'm beginning to wish I found this website earlier on.

I have almost finished the first ruff draft book 1 of a two part novel. I'm a total novice but I was advised at the beginning that the hardest part about is writing novel is actually writing (who knew) and that I should just get stuck into it. So I've followed this advice without really doing any research into publishing best practice. Now that i'm closing in on completion I've been scratching my head a lot recently. I've ordered the writers year book which is on its way and i'm sure will help but I would like help with a few questions.

1. Is 70,000 words for part 1 of my Sci-Fi novel enough?

2. How many times should I edit my work?

3. My novel has 12 Characters in total but 6 main ones, is that too many?

4. At what point is it OK to start book 2

5. The story is based mainly in Japan should I think about sending my complete Manuscript/s to publishing houses there or is that a waste of time?


1. 70,000 is fine.

2. How long is a piece of string?

3. That with others that does sound like a lot for 70,000 words. Check your characters aren't 2D or simply there to advance the plot.

4. I believe the correct advice is to plan book two but perfect book one and start querying. I wrote five more books before finishing book one and querying so I'm not really the right person to ask.

5. I would exhaust all possibilities in your home country first.

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The average novel contains 70,000 words.

I am not familiar with the Sci-fi genre, but Louise, has covered the other points you raised.

I do not know anything about the Chinese or Japanese language, but the English language is very concise.

I don't know if many of you know this, but when an English novel is translated into a European language, it adds Twenty-Percent to the word count.

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Hm, I'm not entirely sure what the answer is to most of these questions, but I can give you my opinion.

1) Yes, of course it's enough. It's your story it can be (in theory) as long and as short as you want it to be. I think 70,000 is enough!

2) Well, editing differs from person to person. You can edit it five times to 500 times. I suppose edit it until you decide you're happy with it. Of course, some people are never happy with it and could edit it forever, so if that's you, try finding a stage that you feel is sufficient.

3) Some of people say you should only have a certain amount of characters in your story. However, personally - like I said above - it's your story you can have as many characters you want to have. I can't tell you if it's too many because I don't know the plot line of your story, but that many character might be essential/necessary for the story.

4) Start book two whenever you want too! I think, (not sure) but if you're planning on submitting to agents/publishers that you should mention you intend there to be a sequel.

5) I think (probably) it's a waste of time. What with the language barriers and translations, etc. Send it to publishers here. If it's successful then perhaps they will think about submitting to publishers in Japan.

6) (okay I know there isn't a number six but still) Don't Worry!! Have confidence in yourself!

PS; It sounds very interesting, I love Sci-Fi's and Japan, what a perfect combo.

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