Agency catch-22

by Mark Rudd
20th July 2012

Sounds like an American cop drama. Anyway, the catch I am caught in is this - (my grammar is appalling tonight, better not try to write anything), I have identified two agents who are at the top of my list. These are the two who I would ideally send off my manuscript to and a few months later be showered in awards.

But. As far as I can tell, rejections do a writer make. Advice and honesty doth sharpen the pen. So do I send off the work to other agents ('sacrificial agents' as it were)? And thereby prepare it to be submitted, in a blaze of glory, to ... whoops! Nearly let the cat out of the bag.

Any thoughts?


Louise, I strongly believe in my novel. I am not bothered if agents talk to each other. Besides, plans B or C do not apply to the UK. As for Bloomsbury, I believe I know how to attract their attention.

I have researched agents and publishers. Then I compiled a list of those suitable to my genre. I believe that my submissions package will be fine, as my private literary editor is highly qualified in the arts and literature.

I am determined to be published.

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What is the point of sending your manuscript off to one or two agents? It is best to send it off to twenty. It is what I intend to do when I am ready. In addition to the agents, I will send my manuscript, or part of, directly to Bloomsbury as I enjoy my time here. I have made a long list of suitable agents and publishers from the writers' and artists' yearbook.

I know agents prefer to be the sole recipient of an authors manuscript. But to wait in the hope of a response is not healthy, and could be a waste of time. If I am fortunate to get one or more responses, I will listen to what they have to say, before I decided on what I believe is the best package on offer.

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Adrian Sroka

PS... That't not to say that I wouldn't punch the air if the first 'runner-up' agent snapped it up! But that little voice would always be there... wondering... wondering... what if...

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Mark Rudd