Agent or Publisher or self publishing?

by Gilly Ansell
16th August 2012

I am hopefully soon going to be ready to send a manuscript out and am opting for a prospective agent from the Writer's an Artist's Yearbook. The reason being that I feel they will know the right publisher for my work should they deem it suitable and will have more experience of getting the best deal. Self publishing is not something I would ever consider as I want to start with someone thinking my work is good enough to print, but it seems that many do. When your work is ready to submit, which option will you choose?


I was contemplating on the same subject just this morning, Gilly! I have received a number of self publishing options, but as a first time author, I would like to give the conventional publishers a chance. I too feel my 70,000 word marvel of a manuscript is worth offering to the connoisseurs of literature, but my opinion does not count, I know that.

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Victoria, if I didn't think my work was good enough I wouldn't be sending it off in the first place. What I am saying is that for me, I am opting for an agent first and am interested to know what other writers choose to do and why. I'm opting for an agent as they know the publishing industry better then I do, leaving me more time to write and do other things.

Thanks Jonathan, I understand about the rejection letters as I've had numerous ones for my children's stories and maybe self publishing would be an option for me with those but I have written them with the view that they would be picture books, for younger children, and unfortunately, I can't draw (huge problem there then :-)) and would need an illustrator. Thanks for the encouragement and yes, whatever I do I always feel I could have done better, no matter how good it may be.

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Best of luck, Gilly - I hope you find someone to take you on.

Personally I got fed up of rejection and did it myself since (and this will sound very egotistical, so my apologies) I'd read a number of traditionally published historical novels with cardboard-ish characters, iffy plots and poor research. I'm not suggesting my story was perfect but it was better than that.

BTW, if you're anything like me you never think your work is good enough. I bet it is.

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