Agent requested exclusivity, but it's too late

by Nicola Wood
8th July 2014

I have had a response to a short story I sent out recently. The agent believes she knows an editor who may be interested, but wants exclusivity. Unfortunately, as it's a short story (less than 600 words), I've already sent the complete works out to other agents. How should I respond?

I thought about apologising that it had already gone out, and offering to send her my next book; which should be complete in two weeks. The intention is to keep the door open between us.

Then (deep breath), email the other agents to say that there has been some interest in my work.

Do either of these approaches seem unprofessional at all? Is there a different way of going about this? And just to be clear I am unpublished so far, so I have no experience to draw upon.

I'm truly grateful of any advise anyone can give.


Thank you for your help. It is much appreciated.

Profile picture for user nicola.l_35033
270 points
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Nicola Wood

I'm not an expert and have had no previous experience of this situation but my gut feeling would be - stop panicking (step 1)

Continue your communication with the agent that asked for exclusivity and wait to see if you hear from the others. If you do, let them know then that you've already had an offer.

Think of it as a job application - you might apply for several positions at the same time, a couple may invite you for an interview, but you'll only accept one job.

Relax. This is great news. Well done for getting the interest of an agent.

Let us know how you get on.

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I'm assuming the agent has contacted you by email?

One suggestion is to email back asking if you can speak with her on the phone so you can clarify what she means.

Profile picture for user KatyW_
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