Agents & Publishers

by Victoria Constant
16th April 2014

Hi all,

I know I'm not finished with tge piece I've uploaded however I feel ince completed and re-drafted a few times I'd like to see if I can get it published. I however have no idea how to start. Do you need an agent? How would I find one? And how do I go about the publishing process? I know I'm not too young to write but is 19 too young to be a published author? Is it possible to publish short stories as I've only ever come across short stories in anthologies? I know I'm asking for a lot of advice but I'd love to make something of myself doing something I love. Thank you in advance for the replies.

Kind regards Victoria


You might also try, Guide to Literary Agents - Sam Buchino.

You can pick up a cheap copy on Amazon.

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Adrian Sroka

I agree with Louise's feedback.

Would like to add - The Writers & Artists Yearbook is an excellent 'manual' to take you through the publishing process. It covers everything. They also run workshops which you may find helpful. They also have a guide on How to Write.

I don't work for them by the way! I attended a How to Hook an Agent workshop last year and have their book and have found both very useful sources of information.

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Hi Victoria,

I'm guessing from what you're saying that the piece will be a short story rather than a novel. You don't need an agent or a publisher for a short story. (They wouldn't look at one anyway, and anthologies tend to be commissioned only from established writers.) Instead, I think your best bet would be to try submitting it to magazines. has a list - don't know how up-to-date - of publications that are open to speculative submissions. Obviously you need to look at their individual requirements and preferred genres. Make sure you submit exactly as per their requirements and, even then, don't be disheartened if they take months to get back to you with a yay or nay. If it's a yes, perhaps it won't surprise you to learn that money will not necessarily change hands!

Twitter is also an excellent place to get word of new publications, competitions, agents with open lists etc. In terms of competitions, the Bridport is coming up but I'm sure there are others too.

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