Anarchic Sustainability Literary Agents?

by Timothy Barker
19th October 2015


I tried a number of publishers for my latest book but received a whole books worth of varying rejections. I am uncertain what the true reason is for these rejections yet suspect I need to find someone who's not too conservative. I am just wondering, therefore, if anybody can recommend (me to) an agent please?

With thanks,

Tim B.


Tim, there are ads for this sort of service in Writing Magazine and Writer's Forum. They will charge, of course, but it may be that they can give you the exact piece of advice you're looking for.

'Wouldn't fit in' may mean you're not writing what they are currently publishing.

The fact that you are getting that sort of reply means that at least they have read all or part of your work: so it made it off the slush pile.

Get hold of a copy of W&A's Yearbook (online available, can't remember the cost) and go through the agents until you find a couple (at least) who sound as though they would be interested in your genre. See who else they have represented. It's their job to know which publisher to approach - inside knowledge matters. Always check their websites in case anything has changed since going to press.



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Hello Adrian,

Thanks for your reply.

The rejections I have received were a little more subtly nuanced than simply stating the standard wasn't there yet. For example, I was told that it 'wouldn't fit in' quite often i.e. could not be easily classified? Then, I have been told its 'too academic' or 'not academic enough'. Etc.

Furthermore, these rejections were from publishers. I haven't approached any agents yet with this work. Hence the question - I was wondering if this could be a way forward for me?

In answer to your question I haven't considered a "professional literary editor". Does one usually have to pay for these services? I am doing this on a budget...

I appreciate you taking the time to reply Adrian.

With best wishes,

Tim B.

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A whole books worth of rejections from numerous agents should tell you that your manuscript is not yet up to an acceptable standard to be published.

Have you considered getting a professional literary editor to look at your manuscript?

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