Another question of grammar

by Robin Varcoe
2nd February 2016

I've recently noticed writers leaving out the comma, or using a colon before direct speech in the following type of sentence (no words are actually spoken):

It was as if the dog was saying, "What are you asking me for?"

What is correct?


The New Hart's Rules is a good investment. It sets out a standard to follow, one that publishers use. Most will have an in-house style, but it will normally be based on Hart's. Whatever your style, make it consistent.

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Robin, I have often seen the use of colons as you described in newspaper articles.

I, personally, wouldn't use a colon before direct speech in a novel. I'll stick to commas and speech marks. I'm not sure agents and publishers would approve of the use of a colon before direct speech. I haven't seen them used in novels that I read, but I only read novels by award-winning authors.

With regard to punctuation, I stick mainly to commas, full stops, apostrophes and speech marks. I use exclamation marks, dashes and elipses sparingly. I never use semi-colons, because I'm not a fan of long sentences. I have learned from trying to make a sentence do to much.

One thought, one sentence - Bertrand Russell.

The use of dashes and elipses have increased in popularity, and in my opinion are often misused.

I only use a dash to replace a comma, when I need to finish a sentence strongly.

Elipses are handy when a speaker is interrupted mid-sentence, at a loss for words, or during streams of thought. At worst, they are a lazy way of not completing a piece of dialogue.

The use of punctuation is subjective. I have always been guided by the authors I read.

Each to their own choice of punctuation.

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