Is anybody interested in writing a musical?

by Amir Shoenfeld
10th May 2017

Hi I'm a musician working from South East London and I'm looking for writers to collaborate with writing musical theatre pieces. Experience in songwriting or playwriting would be useful but not essential


Just to answer. Emilie' question, I'm a musician with a lot of experience in music in general and musical theatre specifically. But i have next to no experience in narrative and creative writing. So I'm looking for someone how does have these skills to collaborate with. The musical style can be determined by the story. I can send you examples of my work. I wouldn't want to base the work on existing stories or existing lyrics. We would create something new from scratch. I would write the lyrics to the songs but i would welcome a lot of input from my collaborator.

What I'm looking for is a good story, good characters and good scenes

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270 points
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Amir Shoenfeld

Hi Amir, I'm a playwright and theatre practitioner based in South East London. It would be great to chat about your ideas for collaboration. I've sent you a Connect request, so I hope to hear from you soon. All the very best, Jennifer

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I was in a rush earlier and didn't add a link to where you can read Jummy's poem / potential song lyric, "Boundless Love (A Polyamory Song)":

(Down near the bottom of the page.)

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