To anyone wanting to PM me

by Jimmy Hollis i Dickson
13th December 2016

I admit that this is a self-centered Q, but others might find themselves in the same situation, so here goes:

Yesterday I left "civilisation and can only type online on my StupidPhone.

This is totally incompatible with this web-site's PM technology. I CAN'T reply to anybody.

I can't even view what I'm typing right now!!!

Clarke, your question is excellent and I look forward to reading others' opinions. Please you - and anyone else who wants to correspond with me - do so via e-mail. granota followed by @ then my publishing hut's web-site Sorry for not being able to spell it out, but experience demonstrated that that fills our in-tray with machine-generated spam.

Clare, I'll answer your question directly once I have your e-mail address. AND take part on this forum... if this bloody StupidPhone will allow.


I've emailed you Jimmy

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Clare Williams

Clare not Clarke. My StupidPhone "corrected" that while it was out of sight. Apparently, once the first 5 lines are filled, I can't read what I'm typing right now, but can read what I've read 3 or 4 lines back.

Testing, testing: now I CAN read this, but it wasn't working before. Anyway PMs NEVER work on this thing.

Profile picture for user jimmy@ji_34235
Hollis i Dickson
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Jimmy Hollis i Dickson