Are you a pantser, or did you plan your novel?
Did you outline your novel, or simply proceed with the ideas that inspired you to pick up your pen?
I planned my novel from the beginning to the end, then wrote the first draft. However, I was far from satisfied with the end product. I realised that the ending didn’t have conformity with the beginning. But changing the ending and the beginning, meant doing a complete thematic and structural edit of my first draft. But as I did this, I had ideas for further improvement. After much rewriting and many thorough edits, I am happy with my manuscript, but I still have work to do.
How are you getting on with your novel?
I start with an idea and run from there. During the course of the draft, further ideas and the wider story line develop. A novel I am now working on is founded on a dream about a clock. I couldn't be a planner, and I guess a true planner might not be comfortable 'flying blind'
I'm somewhere in the middle of the two. I have main plot points planned out, mainly the ending, then proceeded to wing the rest of the writing until I have my story and I'm happy with it.