Auto correct in Word

by Paul Garside
5th November 2016

We are, hopefully on the last edit before submitting. With each change of grammar and punctuation (which I have owned up to many times, is not one of my strengths) Word is now finding new things to underline. This time it asking me to remove phrases and replace with a single word, which to be honest reads fine, but, yep the big but (not the American terminology for bum, the proper meaning) will it detract from my "voice". I spoke with an editor some months ago, (an old colleague) who said now you have to remove about fifty percent of your words! A lot if I do, it wouldn't even be a novela. anyway here is as an example of the changes Word wants me to make...

"It would seem that the much mentioned “shock” was the only thing that knew exactly what it was doing."

To... The shock was the only thing that new what it was doing.

Do I listen to technology or the way I want to write it, in my head my way says much more you see.

Any comments will be listened to and thought hard over before I change things.

As ever Paul.


Paul, you wouldn't believe how fast I can run! The imaginary flowers are lovely, by the way!

I write the next one in my head at stupid hours of the night. I've also got one that I started ages ago that needs to be brought out of its dust covers; but this current one needs a sequel. A friend is reading it at present.

I have to find a cover for it, which means a cover-artist too.

Having someone else read it is a way of letting it go. It's what it exists for, after all. I have confidence in it; I like the characters, and I know the place where it is set, and it feels comfortable there. It's been a long time in the making and it's time it left home.

Congratulations to you for finishing your novella, too. It does leave you feeling a little adrift when it's done, and the temptation to tweak is strong; but we could to that till the cows come home and it wouldn't really change the end result for the reader. If you're happy, and your in-house editor is happy, then you can let it go on its merry way.

Of course I'll let you know how I get on with the publishing side of it. Got to wait for my reader to give her comments first, though. (So far, really good!)

Good luck with yours!

Lorraine (still running and hurdling fences!)

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Lorraine Swoboda

How rude of me, taken up with my own little world, Your novel is now ready to go, congratulations. May I ask, now you are at the point where there is no more work to do on it, does it feel like your last child has just left home, or are you already writing the next one? You must post how you get on with it and where we all need to be looking to buy a copy. Signed of course. Brilliant!

Warmest regards Paul.

PS is it OK to say warmest regards or can that be construed as grooming!!! PG

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Paul Garside

Gosh Lorraine, that was quick. Thank you. I am not editing this myself mywife (the educated one of our pairing) is doing that, I am having a read through to make sure I haven't missed something she has flagged. Thank you for the help, what you have said does make sense.

I think because it has now changed its direction from spelling and punctuation because she has corrected the first six chapters, it is finding something else, maybe it has a personality disorder it has to find fault! Thank you, I feel much better about the not losing fifty percent of the words also. I couldn't get my head around that. I know they say every word has to earn its reason for being there (or words to that effect [or is it affect? who cares] ) I started to think that maybe, that was was was meant by it, losing a phrase and using one word. Believe it or not, what you have just said about that has made me feel freer about how I write. I was thinking too much about losing a lot of words. So just for that a big thank you, and for the explanation of how Word reacts again another big thank you. Too far away for flowers and a kiss, so you will just have to imagine the flowers and think yourself lucky that you are too far away for the kiss!!!

As ever Paul

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