Book to Screenplay

by michele kunz
8th January 2014

I have a question that I hope you may be able to offer some advice on. I hope to gain a better understanding about industry standards or possibly you can guide me to a computer site that has some of these issues addressed. I received an offer for my book to be converted into a screenplay. No contracts have been signed, just pulmonary talks at this time. I am told I will have to sign over movie rights, but will maintain book rights. Also I would see 2% of the overall profit. As of now I have not signed or agreed to anything, as I wait to see and negotiate the contract before moving forward. Is this a standard or fair contract offered to unknown authors such as myself? Just to clarify this is a verbal offer before contract. Once the contract is written I will have a lawyer make sense of it for me. For now I am just trying to find out what is the standard with book to screenplay and is this the norm? I'm not looking for legal advice, just a bit of knowledge on industry standards before I get too deeply into this. Thank you for any advice you can offer.


Careful, because if they don't make the film they still own the rights.

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Thank you Damien for responding and for bringing some fine points to my attention. All the best to you as well…

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The offer does not seem too far out. But it totally depends. Are you signing away film rights for the UK only or worldwide. Remember merchandising Do you get a cut of that profit. Remember if this goes to screen make sure it says based on a novel by...... Your name. There is a lot to list and you are better waiting until you receive the contract then take legal advice before you negotiate with them.

Congratulations and wishing you all the best.

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