Book Suggestion

by kashaf noor
18th September 2015

I was reading "To Kill A Mockingbird" these days and i really need a suggestion of a book a bit similar to this book,



To Kill A Mockingbird has sold over 40 million copies. The timing of its release was during the rise of the black civil rights movement. It pricked at American conscience, and went viral. There is dispute amongst academics about over how much of the novel, Lee actually wrote, and how much was ghost-written. I must read my copy again when I have the time.

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I really should add to my previous comment that - although Alice's Adventures In Wonderland and Through The Looking-Glass aren´t strictly child-narrator books (Lewis Carroll makes comments - from an adult´s POV* - about why Alice says so-and-so and sometimes pokes gentle fun at her lack of knowledge/experience) - Alice' voice comes through very strongly in both books. And - if you haven´t already done so - you MUST read them.

* POV = point of view

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Here I am in Spain, trying to find a copy of "To Kill A Mockingbird" in the libraries. I've seen the FILM several times (and have it on DVD), and I think that I MIGHT have read the novel many, many years ago. But I'm not 100% sure. If I have read it, I want to read it again.

So, my local library - which seems only to have books in English that have been donated (lots of 2nd-hand "holiday reading" abandoned by British tourists, etc., SOME classics...) - has got it, but in Spanish. And it's ALWAYS better to read books in their original language whenever possible.

I've just joined the local library of a friend whom I'm visiting, and searched the computer files of the whole network of libraries in Catalunya (Catalonia). One library has 25 copies of "To Kill A Mockingbird" (in English) BUT they're not available for lending (probably it's the book being studied by a reading circle). There are MANY copies in Spanish or Catalan, but almost all the copies in English were not available, because somebody had already borrowed them.

Finally - with a librarian's help - I was able to reserve a copy to be picked up in Barcelona (where I was I going the next day anyway).

The next day, having arrived at the library in question, I discovered that it had been closed for nearly a year (renovations) and won't be opening until next month.

BTW, although it only came out in July, there are many copies of "Go Set a Watchman" in the libraries... in all 3 languages.

Not an answer to your question, but I thought you might be amused by this hunt for a classic.

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