Changing a book title

by Jeremy Gavins
23rd July 2017

I am wondering about the title of my book, 'The Stonewalls of My Mind.'

A professional reader of my book has said that the title tends to make the book look more serious than my previous title 'Is it about that boy?'

She also says that because Stonewall is a leading LGBT campaigning group people may get confused by that.

The subject matter is quite serious, the use of torture to change a gay boy's sexuality. Stonewalls also relates to the work I do which has had a very positive therapeutic effect on my life.

However I also like my original title, 'Is it about that boy?' which is more playful. My book is not a misery memoir. I have interweaved the more serious events with the fun side of my life.

What do you think? Which is more likely to sell to the book?


"Is it about that boy?" Good title

Profile picture for user katojoze_52720
270 points
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Jozef Kato

The title,'Is it about that boy?' would make me pick up the book and read the blurb.Good title.

Profile picture for user nborgoha_52539
270 points
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n borgohain

WOW Thanks all for all your input

5 out of 5

Back to the original then

I don't actually use the phrase "Is it about that boy?" and answer the question, until the last four lines of the book.

Maybe if people do what I do and read the last lines of a book before I buy it, it might help sell it too.

Profile picture for user jeremyga_40499
330 points
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Jeremy Gavins