Chick - Lit

by Laura Lovelock
24th April 2013

Hi Guys,

I've been away for a while doing some book reviewing and working on my new book.

I was wondering if anyone would be interested in reading the beginning of my chick-lit book if I post it on here?

I know that chick-lit is misunderstood and people think it is trashy and mind - numbing (so not true!) so I understand if that is not the kind of thing people want to read, but if you do then I would love some feedback on it.

Thanks :)


Go on post it! I am thinking of posting some of mine. I am reading Jennifer Weiner's 'The next best thing' (she is the author of 'Good in bed' and 'In her shoes' and have made a mental note to find more of her books as she has profound characters, though she is in the chick lit category. So is Lauren Olivier's 'Before I fall' about a teenage girl, and I LOVED the book and found it very intelligent.

As a consolation, don't you think Jane Austen and Charlotte Bronte and Margaret Mitchell were all yester-years Chick-lit authors?

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I'll take a look if you want. I'm into my busier half of the week as i work wed/thur/fri teaching but will take a look when I have 30 seconds to spare lol.

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Hi Laura,

I would love to read the beginning of your book if you posted it! Admittedly, I don't really read chick-lit but I am completley open to the idea of enjoying it. I did read 'The Devil Wears Prada' a few years ago - and then all the other books by the same author - and I loved them because they are really well written and the characters are believable and the plot is involving, so I wouldn't worry about people dismissing your work on the basis of genre: if it is all the things I mentioned, people will want to read it! Also, as you left a comment on my own shared story, I'd love to return the favour.

It's a shame that chick-lit has a bad name. I've already mentioned 'The Devil Wears Prada' and, although that is undeniably chick-lit, it's also quite satirical and takes a stand against shallow women who are obsessed with fashion. In that case, I'd agree with you about it being misunderstood as trashy. In all genres there are going to be terrible books and some really, really good ones.

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