Children's book cover letter

by Sharon Davies-Patrick
4th July 2018

Hi, I'm new here and need some advice :)

I've written a children's book, 2,400 words and looking for an agent. I really am struggling though with the cover letter. How much information do I need to put in the letter with it being a short children's book?

Any examples and advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.


Hi Sharon,

All of the below are crucial elements to a covering letter, whether you're writing a short children's book or an epic historical saga.

Information - Title, author, genre, audience and length of your book

Tag line- What would sum up your book in a few sentences? A short, snappy pitch to hook the reader

Blurb - Expanding on the pitch, tell us more about the book to intrigue the reader

Book's appeal - popularity of genre, strengths of manuscript, similar authors, who the audience is

Writer's Profile - A bit about yourself, what you do, and any previous history (writing or other) that would help promote the book.

All best,

W&A Admin

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Hi, Sharon!

I'm a combination author, editor, and publisher. As an author, I'm totally useless at covering letters. (One of the reasons why I became a publisher!) So I don't know how much help I could be.

But - as a bit of light relief while you're waiting for a SENSIBLE reply, you might like to look at a not-too-serious cover letter template at

And good luck with finding an agent!


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