Children's books

by Megan King
14th August 2012

Is anybody on here writing for children? I've tried my hand at mnay diffrent genres for diffrent target audiences. I've dabbled in crime thrillers, romances, and teen fantasy, to no avail. The ideas are there but I just don't seem to be able to put pen to paper. Then I got this idea for a series for children. I'd say probably 9-13 yr olds. So I thought I'd try and work with it. Writing for children never really interested me before, but then the idea popped to mind and I thought I'd give it a try as I've had difficulties with my previous stuff. So I've started writing, finally, and so far so good (fingers crossed) Which came as a bit of a shock. However, back to my question, does anyone have any tips, ideas, advice, etc, for writing for children? Thanks.


I write for that age range and my advice is thus - be careful, cos the age range you're writing for doesn't exist. 8-12 exists and 12+ exists but publishers seem to be very picky about choosing books for a fairly arbitrary age (as if all children undergo some strange metamorphosis upon turning 13. Oh, wait...)

BUT don't let me discourage you - you should damn well write what you want and worry about it afterwards. Keep the plot moving, don't use death gratuitously, throw in a scary teacher/monster/parent now and then, and make sure you don't preach at them as I am doing to you now. Also be aware that none of my advice should be construed as well-informed or helpful... and above all, good luck.

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Mark Rudd

Don't know how relevant it will be, but She has a very comprehensive site on writing. Although not specifically for children's writers and sometimes aimed at children, it's good advice and there's loads of it.

I have to say, I was the opposite. I tried writing for children and was terrible at it. Some teachers have commented that my children speak with quite adult tones. I guess I didn't even manage a voice for children with my own kids!

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