Choosing a title

by Victoria Constant
1st May 2013

I was wondering how people choose their title. I find mine are really weak or I just generally can't think of one and this is one of the things that bugs me most about my writing :/ any help will be very much appreciated :)


I'm currently experiencing the same problem. I initially wrote a short story, and the title was fine. The I took inspiration from that story and I'm currently writing a much larger scale tale, and I'm tempted to use the same title.

I had first gone with 'Sam and the...', but the story has changed and it doesn't suit it anymore. So I'm a bit stumped as well.

I don't want anything cryptic, and the story has lots of events so picking one wouldn't work, and the main theme is difficult to capture in a single title.

We'll see when it is finished.

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I find its easier to find a title after the work is finished. You can give it a 'working title' while you're writing it, then change it upon completion. Should you be submitting for publication, any good Agent would reccomend a title change should they feel its on the weak side, so a weak title is barely going to do any harm. Its the story that counts.

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I agree with Andrew, I named my current project after the main character's name- Albert Flare.

And look at many famous books-

Artemis Fowl- the first book


or you could also name the book over the one of the main incidents or crucial elements and things like that. Many famous books are named that way

Strombreaker, Scorpia - Alex Rider

The Hunger Games

The Return of the King, Fellowship of the ring- Lord of the rings

or you do it both together

Harry Potter and ... etc

Percy Jackson and ... etc

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