Christian Literary Agents

by Sheelagh Aston
18th February 2020

I am new to this site so 'hello' and I hope the question below hasn't been asked before.

I write thrillers for main stream but they have christian overtones. My work would not fit with an American Christian Agents as it is not 'clean' i.e it has a bit of swearing and debates rather than preaches. issues. Anyway, I know the UK market is much smaller than the states for christian books, but I wondered if there were any agents who specialists in this area?


I'm not sure if there are agents who specialise in this, but there are certainly publishers. It might be best to look into those publishers and see where they get their submissions from. They might actively recommend agents or even encourage direct submission.

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5200 points
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Young Adult (YA)
Speculative Fiction
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Victoria Whithear