Compass promise

by damien Isaak
1st February 2013

Has anyone ever heard of the compass promise or is it something I made up in my own mind?

I told myself that I would sit down, write this book and keep it to myself. That excludes all family members, best friends, children and partners. Simply so I could avoid the compass promise.

This is how it works. We all know North, East, south, and West on a compass face, not forgetting the wobbly little pin for direction. (That's me)


I was asked to do extra work at a Masonic meeting. When I explained I was writing a novel and did not have the time I was told, “fantastic I know a publisher, I'll introduce you.”

North equals - Never happened.


A colleague of mine in a very high position begged me to send in the book so his children could read it. I finally gave in and let him have the first three chapters. He told me he had explained the story to his children and they loved it. “I would love to share it with the school children,” he said. Of course it never happened. I sent the book, they never read it nobody did.

East equals - exaggeration.


I found a literary agent on the Internet that simply asked you to send in a small sample. “At no cost to you” it said. Of course I sent in a small sample and they requested the first three chapters. One week later I was sent an offer For my manuscript that consisted of a 50-50 financial deal. Alarm bells rang. Following the same process my sister registered her interests with a Novel that she'd made up. There were more Spelling mistakes in it, we actually lost count. Bingo she was offered a deal.

South Equals - scam


A famous former Beetles photographer (Sorry no names) Insisted he would introduce me to his literary agent. “I have a meeting with my agent on Monday” he said, I must pass on your details and insist that he sees your novel. I think you follow the pattern by now.

West equals - why do I bother

Is it just me?

On a Lighter note

I sent my first three chapters to a proper small agent for the first time. “Give us 6 to 8 weeks to Respond” they said. Weeks later I received a wonderful response. Firstly the agent apologised for the e-mail and said they can't respond to most of there e-mails.

Secondly they said that they had really honestly considered my manuscript but unfortunately they only take in a handful of the hundreds they receive each month. They wished me luck and advise me to approach a larger agent. Nice.

Shocking news

I received a letter in the post yesterday From JK Rowling's personal assistant. It read...

Short version

MS Rowling has asked me to pass on to you her thanks for the copy of your book and thanks you for your kind words.

My son age 18 is currently serving in the British Army. When He is next on leave I think he has some explaining to do.

Sorry MS Rowling


Thanks Jonathan, Dorry ;)

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damien Isaak

Very good :-)

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Dorry Lawlor-Hudson

Nice one :)

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