The Condemned Man... or the first page

by Mark Rudd
17th September 2012

Is there anyone else out there, in that wild, lonely world, who is experiencing the acute unpleasantness of Submission Fright?

I compare it to exam nerves - hollow stomach, exhaustion, and a sudden and complete lack of faith in what you've written. Cover letter is written. Synopsis is finished. Hell, even the SAE is addressed (to me, naturally). I find myself going back and back and back over the first three chapters and getting more discouraged each time.

Forget 'rejection' for the moment and let's get over the first hurdle. Who knows what I mean? Has anyone been through and survived this, and got any tips!?


(If suitable, naturally): Wade and Doherty. Not only are they top agents about whom I've only ever heard good things, they aim to respond to subs within 7 days.

The first rejection under your belt will likely help enormously. It won't kill you and it will help you understand it's not personal.

When you're starting out subbing for the first time, I think it helps if you manage to pick the agents who take a rigidly professional approach to their slush piles. The hardest subs are the ones you never get a response to - 50% is not unusual, and this isn't from the "no response means no" people, either. Fun, isn't it? Good luck :)

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Thank you all. You probably won't hear from me until I get some kind of reply... then it'll probably be "How do you deal with rejection?" I jest, I jest. Now for the plunge...

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Mark Rudd

God, don't I know the feeling. You've drafted, edited, then drafted some more, then edited. Covering letter, synopsis, first 3 chapters and sae's all in the envelopes. Then the panic starts. Is it perfect?--nothing ever is, but are there no glaring mistakes.

All the symptoms you've described I'm sure is shared by all, whether they're amatures or seasoned authors. I think because we've laboured over it so long we're petrified the reader will hate it.

The only thing to do is grit your teeth and hope for the best.

Good luck!

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