
by Barbara McClenaghan
21st April 2012

how do writers over come their fears when they want to take the next step.


For me, one of the things that has helped has been to leave something for a while to "ferment" then go back to it, read it with fresh eyes and edit it into better shape. When I feel I have polished something to a level that I cannot improve upon and when I feel satisfied that I have written it to the best of my abilities, then I send it out.

Of course this makes the rejection harder to stomach, because you genuinely know you have done your best. But I do believe that the process of writing is satisfying in itself and that writing to the best of your ability, brings with it a clarity and confidence.

One thing that occurred to me when reading the shortlisted entries for the 2012 competition, was that I suddenly understood I was reading a sample that reflected two things.

The quality of the writing but also (perhaps more so) the personal taste of the reviewers/editors.

The latter is not something you can control as a writer but the former is.

So anyone that didn't make the shortlist, do not despair. It may simply be because your work was not to the reader's taste.

Keep on writing, and write to the best of your abilities. In time that will encourage you.

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I wonder if you are hesitating not so much about a possible unfavourable reaction from an agent/editor, but how that will make you feel later on ... All I can say is that they are rejecting 100s, 1,000s, so think of all those people in the same boat! Also, I know it feels personal, but it is not - it is quite an anonymous process (until you make it big!). Better to have honest critiques than false praise. Hesitating will only prolong matters when you could be getting on with rewrites/new projects, etc.

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I'm a firm believer that fear should, as much as possible, be ignored.

So, I would suggest a- bite the bullet attitude (excuse the cliche). The more you do something the less fearful it becomes and whats the worse that can happen?

Best Wishes


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