
by Victoria Constant
14th April 2014

Hi all, I've attempted to write a novel which unfortunately it appears I might not be ready to do. Each time I start it ends up finishing far too soon. I've heard word count is part of what defines a novel from a short story etc. Is this true? And if so does anyone know what the word dounts are for each? Also does anyone have any tips on how to properly go about my novels without them ending far too soon? Thank you in advance.

Kind regards Victoria


Hi Victoria, I've found a couple of books have been really helpful in writing my first novel -

Plot & Structure by James Scott Bell

The Writer's Journey by Christopher Vogler

For me the plotting and planning are the first stages. I lay out on the floor the entire 'book' on A4 paper with post-it notes and juggle it around until I am reasonably happy I have a story structure. Then I start writing, keeping it flexible and open minded to changes.

Adding to make up word count can be obvious and water down your storyline. I suggest, plan your story, plot it out, work out your character arcs and when you're ready to write don't think of word count - just write. Keep going until you finish, then go back to revise several times. Have a break from it for a couple of months. Revise again and then look at word count.

You may be surprised !

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Short stories can range between 1500 to 30,000 words while novels tend to be around 55,000 to 300,000 words. I really don't have any experience writing novels, but I would generally say if you want your stories to be longer then planning is the best way to go about. I usually feel that when my stories end naturally on their own, whether I wanted them to be longer or not, I find it difficult to add to them and make them any longer. If the plot of your stories is where you want it, maybe try adding to the depth/detail of the world and/or adding to characters and relations.

Sorry if I'm not actually much help, at the moment I tend to focus on short stories more than anything else.

- Bethany

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