Contacts system ?

by David Foster
27th February 2013

Perhaps I am just being computer illiterate - but - would someone please explain the contacts system on here please?

I had a nice e mail from admin telling me that someone wanted to make contact...

1. I don't understand why they didn't just send me a message as I have done to others - with success.

2. I looked them up in the part of the system I managed to find and gave a clearance for contact - and I haven't heard a thing.

None of this is a problem as I seem to be muddling along fine - I am just curious if I could be muddling along a bit better?



I don't think you are able to send private messages to people on here you aren't connected to. You can apply for connection and if their notifications are switched on they will receive an email, just as you did. Once the connection is made it is up to you to message each other if you want. The email you received was automatic so there is no need to reply other than to accept or decline the connection.

I rarely use the private message service. If someone sends me a connection request I check to see if I've ever had any contact with them. If I have I usually accept. If I've never heard of them I leave their request on my dashboard until I have had contact with them as I don't wish to be randomly messaged by complete strangers. And it often transpires the type to seek connection with the highest users without even bothering to in anyway say hello first are the ones who also can't be bothered to fill in their profiles. I mention this because I feel quite sure you will grace our top five at some point, David. I've been away for a while so I'm not sure how long you've been here, but in case it hasn't been said, welcome to W & A.

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