copyright issues

by Madeleine Rawlings
22nd February 2012

Hi, I wrote a book in 2007 and self published using a company on the understanding that I would retain the copyright but they would arrange for it to be sold on Amazon and through other sites including their own. Any copies sold by them would earn me royalties, and I received a few small payments from them over the following two years. I have not heard from them since and they do not answer letters or emails.

I have since found that my book is still being offered for sale by several sellers on eBay and on Amazon, and several internet companies in the USA, Australia and even India. One company states on eBay that they own the copyright - which they clearly do not. I have pointed this out to them but I don't get a reply. I contacted a publisher in the USA last year as they too stated that they owned the copyright, but again I was ignored - what can I do about this? I have not received any royalties. The book is still being offered on Amazon and I contacted them but they said it is nothing to do with them. Please can anyone help?


ooooo and have you e-mailed your own work to yourself before entering in to this agreement? this is a way of date stamping (or something) that can be used as proof of ownership with a book. i do it with my own work all the time

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If you have it written, and signed that you own the copywright...and tbh, even the same with a verbal contract on a lesser scale...then you should be able to get legal advice on this and take them to court. I have always been told not to enter in to any agreement that doesnt come with a written form of contract.

I hope you manage to get this sorted, I wouldnt be able to bear the thought of some other company earning off my hard work!!

good luck!!!

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Victoria Limbert