Cover Letters: the USP

by Susannah J. Bell
19th March 2012

I'm struggling with a cover letter for an agent because I have been advised to add my "unique selling points." The trouble is, I don't have any. I haven't published anything before now, nor won any competitions. I haven't done anything weird or wonderful or attention-grabbing. Yet I feel that without a "peg", the agent will toss my unread chapters back on the slush pile, making it seem that your work doesn't actually count for anything any more, only your potential to be a marketing vehicle.


Wow, this is all very helpful! Suddenly I seem to slightly less boring that I thought...probably not the best frame of mind to write a cover letter. Will give it another go (tomorrow.....!)

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Susannah J.
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Susannah J. Bell

Hello Susanne

This is a big question isn't it! I've just finished my cover letters and sent them off with my first picture book series. I will modify it to send with my first full length novel for a teen girl/women's genre. If I'm not careful I will edit and re-edit and re-edit in a spiral of ever decreasing benefit, and at some point I have tell myself that I have to stop and send it.

I went on the 'How to Get Published' conference in London in November. It was fantastic - very informative, lively and reasonably priced. Cressida Downing gave some really good Do's and Don't for writing cover letters. I would recommend going on the next 'How to Get Published' conference.

What I got from it is that literary agents aren't just buying into your book. They're buying into the author. I think they want someone who can communicate well and professionally and they want to know that there are more books in the author than just the one that you are sending. When you've researched which literary agents represent authors in the genre in which you're writing, go on their websites. They will give very specific instructions on how to submit. I would follow those instructions to the letter. Not only is it professional and shows that you've done your homework, but it's also respectful.

You probably have a copy of the Writers' and Artists' Yearbook, but if you haven't I would recommend that you do. Your local library should have one. I found the articles from agents, authors, publishers incredibly helpful - very insightful.

I hope that helps.

All the very best with writing your cover letters.

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Isabella Hynde

Hi Susannah

I know how you're feeling. I am also trying to write a cover letter and am torn between whether to include that I backpacked my way around the gobe on a shoestring twenty odd years ago. I'm worried that I might come across as too boastful and just another smug backpacker.

My writing does reflect elements of my travels although my life is fairly regular now (2 kids, hubby, mortgage)

Does anybody else have any thoughts?

Good luck Susannah


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