creating a blog

by Paul Garside
7th June 2014

looking for technical help here. The site we use doesn't let you post more than 3000 words and it was suggested a while ago, quite a while actually! that I start a blog and post a link. Now, firstly, how do I start a blog and where? think that should be the other way around, never mind. Secondly how will I create a link to the blog? think I'll add a please here, at least I can sound polite if really I'm not!!!

Regards Paul.


You might get useful feedback from a blog but I have my doubts. It's likely you'd get more useful results by joining one of the peer-review sites like

Critiques from other writers there helped me a lot when I re-started. It also makes you realise that one man's rubbish is another's blockbuster novel and teaches you not to take one adverse comment to heart. Difficult one, that. Then once your skin's grown a little thicker you'll be able to spot the helpful critics, of which there many, and those who either simply have no real idea or pretentions of grandeur themselves.

Best of luck :)

Oh, and I regret my writing is of the fits-and-starts variety at the moment, thank you for asking. Probably because I keep reading stuff on Kindle that's either sold in huge numbers or has a Big Five contract and IMO is either not very good or poorly edited by so-called professionals. It half makes one want to give up, but I won't give them the satisfaction ;)

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Thank you Jonathan for taking the time to help. I am going to have to read your instructions a few times before the quagmire that masquerades as my brain takes it in. I am quite thick when it comes to the technical side of things, but hey ho us geniuses... that's a laugh my spell check and grammar program overheat when I'm writing!!!

I will let you know how I get on. I don't want to become a blogger, I am looking for some honest feedback on my writing before I commit to submission, I want to at least try and get it to the point where an agent won't, metaphorically toss my typescript across the office muttering " more rubbish" do they still have offices? Ignore that last bit just thinking aloud.

Don't hold your breath though, to slightly misquote captain Oates, I may be some time!!!

Once again thank you for taking the time to assist. I hope you are well and that your writing juices are flowing copiously.

Regards and best wishes Paul.

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Most blogs I've seen use Wordpress or Blogger platforms, which are free provided you don't mind using their name as part of the address (for example, my blog address is, Blogger use'.blogspot' in the URL). You can have a personalised title but that costs.

Setting up is pretty straightforward - if I can do it then anyone can. The hard part is twofold: adding regular content and attracting traffic. The first tends to help the second (search engines like regular postings, apparently), and you can do subtle advertising by adding the blog link to the end of emails, blogs you frequent as part of your signature (which most blogs on related subjects don't mind as the crosslinks help their traffic, too).

Blogger accepts Google AdSense advertising with the free hosting package, or used to, which can provide popular blogs with an income stream, while Wordpress expect you to take the paid option to have this feature, basically because they add their own advertising to your blog - a bit cheeky but hey, the hosting costs you nothing.

A word of caution - you won't be able to post links on this site because it doesn't allow them. Your best bet if you're looking for traffic is to get involved with other like minds and contribute to forum discussions but WITHOUT overt advertising, especially if you're trying to sell something. That's just treated as spamming. If you link via your signature, and others think you have something interesting to say, they'll find their way to your site.

Best of luck! :)

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