Do you have a favourite place to write?

by Adrian Sroka
21st December 2016

Do you have a favourite place to write?

I sit in the comfort of an armchair with my laptop, and a cup of black coffee close at hand. I may read a poem, or a chapter of a novel to get my creative juices flowing. Occasionally, I listen to classical music, but I mostly write and edit in silence.

Do you have a particular routine?


I try to remember to have a little notebook with me at all times so if ideas jump into my mind I try to get them written down as soon as possible.

My best ideas generally come in two very different places. In bed in the early morning when my brain is in that place between being asleep and being awake.The other is when I am working high up in the Lakeland fells, Physically these 2 places are many miles apart but mentally my mind is completely relaxed in each case.

I find I do my best writing sitting in my big comfy chair with my laptop on my knee between midnight and about 3 in the morning, with just the sound of my dog snoring at my feet. . . . . .just where I happen to be right now.

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I clear a few toys off the couch, take the notepad down from the top of the fridge where it's safe from crayons and if I can feed the baby with my left hand then my right hand's free for writing and on a good day I have the mental capacity to write an entire sentence. Or two.

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Good Morning;

I can gain inspiration from anywhere if I'm honest as I have a really active imagination but there are many places I like to be when putting ideas together or actually continuing with my work. I have a leather back journal I take with me now and again when I actually have some free time away from my job.

Sometimes in the Northern Pennines close to where I live I actually take my HP Notebook to continue writing my novels. The location and the forests up here not to mention the fresh air really help.

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