Do you know the genre of your novel?

by Adrian Sroka
14th January 2013

I can summarise my novel in two sentences.

I would class my novel as, Chilvalric Romance with Elements of Fantasy.

Its central concept is the age old conflict between love and duty.

I believe the last sentence covers the Plot, Storyline and the Chivalric Theme.

I do not believe my novel is Chivalric Romantic Fantasy.

My interpretation of Fantasy is strange, unnatural, or unbelievable worlds with unworldy creatures, fauna, including non-human races of dwarves or elves as examples.

My story has none of those.

However, my novel does have a Merlin type character and it is set on a parallel earth. I do not regard those aspects as Fantasy.

Do you consider I am wright or wrong to interpret the Genre of my novel as Chilvalri Romance?

Are you confident you know the Genre of your novel?


I always saw Arthurian legend, along with Merlin, as a retelling of the scriptures. We have a holy quest, a magician doing miracles, a noble leader betrayed by his best follower, the law set by man proving untenable, a king set to return, etc. Fantasy.

Parallel Earth. Fantasy.

Chivalry. These days, that too is probably fantasy.

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I am no good either! I have two part novels which began as thrillers, became adventure-detective stories and now look like comedies. They may be better as plays!

Good Luck.

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Mine are easy: historical action-adventure. Standard 19th century military settings and battles which,in the main, actually took place

I must admit a parallel world sounds like fantasy sci-fi to me, though shamanic characters appear in regular HF so that wouldn't necessarily label it fantasy.

But then I've seen vampire stories described as 'historical fiction' so what do I know?

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