Does analysing a book kill it?

by Alice Cattley
7th October 2013

I'm intrigued to know what everyone thinks. I've recently joined a creative writing club at school and there was a brief discussion on this topic. General consensus was that yes, analysing a book kills it completely. I totally disagree - as someone who wants to study English Lit at university, I believe analysis enhances a book/poem (as long as you have the right teacher, of course). We all analyse to a certain extent as we read anyway.

What do you think?


Bernard Cornwell said that when he first decided to write a novel he took several by his favourite authors and 'deconstructed' them to try to find why they worked as well as they did. Then he tried to incorporate their techniques in his story.

I can' say I've ever tried it, but it obviously worked for him!

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'I believe analysis enhances a book/poem (as long as you have the right teacher, of course). We all analyse to a certain extent as we read anyway.'

You will learn consciously and sub-consciously the more books you read. I read to learn as well as for enjoyment. I like to study the structure and style of award-winning authors.

W. H . Auden - The novel is a verbal contraption how does it work.

You can break a novel into seven main components.

1). Theme: Storyline

2). Character: Round and flat characters

3). Plot: Cause and effect

4). Structure: How the author has shaped the novel

5). Style: Prose. Dialogue

6). Settings: Where the action takes place

7). Drama: Landmark events. Tension throughout the novel

I hope that helps.

Good luck.

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'I believe analysis enhances a book/poem (as long as you have the right teacher, of course). We all analyse to a certain extent as we read anyway.'

You will learn consciously and sub-consciously the more books you read. I read to learn as well as for enjoyment. I like to study the structure and style of award-winning authors.

W. H . Auden - The novel is a verbal contraption how does it work.

You can break a novel into seven main components.

1). Theme Storyline

2). Character Round and flat characters

3). Plot Cause and effect

4). Structure How the author has shaped the novel

5). Style Prose. Dialogue

6). Settings Where the action takes place

7). Drama Landmark events. Tension throughout the novel

I hope that helps.

Good luck.

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