The End!

by Tiago Silva
20th January 2014

Does enyone knows how to end the story? It is really difficult for me... It feels like every idea is bad!


I have to agree with Sarah- it has to be a happy ending for me- theres a reason why people like them! But i do struggle with ending my novels too- it helps to make a very clear plan right from the beginning of exactly what is going to be happening in those end chapters. Before i write any book, i always have a detailed plan of what each chapter is going to contain.

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I don't mind if a book in a series leaves SOME things open. However, it must always stand alone as 1 book. Which is one of the reasons (and yes I've read it ;) ) why 50 shades of grey is so infuriating. (I won't go into the fact that the books are plot-less, I'm only talking about the endings).

In my series, I have a main story arc. But each book has it's own one, and then obviously a series of smaller ones that may or may not be tied up at the end.

I find writing an ending is one of the hardest things. Not too short, not too long, not allowed to write about stuff that's about to happen in your next book (which I'm actually guilty of, and I'm being stubborn and I don't want to remove it! *sticks tongue out*). But yeah, a well thought out ending can take a while to think up. I'd just sit/walk/run/listen to music until you think up the perfect/most unique one you can :)

Debbie x

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I guess I'm a romantic because I like happy endings. I don't mind if the story if it ends in a way that leads on to a sequel, even better if the story is good, because you are left wanting more! Harry Potter is a perfect example.

As I read I'm taking a journey, happy to roller coaster along, but I need the end to tie everything together and resolve the story to a proper conclusion

That's why Gone with the Wind drove me mad.....

Someone wrote a sequel that I tried to read, and it was rubbish...I still wish I knew what Margaret Mitchell intended, mind you given the length of the book perhaps she just ran out of ideas !

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