Fantasy Novel

by Vidhi Bagadia
1st June 2014

I have a plot for a fantasy/supernatural novel. Well, it's just an idea, nothing serious. But I have some questions before I actually start something up.

1. The supernatural character in my idea is not some already established character, as in, a vampire, wizard or werewolf. I am still in a doubt whether I should take in the character as a "witch" or should I make something completely of my own? Will inventing new characters be a draw back for the story and its popularity?

2. Time of the event. I encounter difficulties when I try to write something which is set up in way past - the time I have not experienced or known. I prefer the present time, with yes, the technology. Will that work as well?

These are the questions which have presently surfaced. It would be appreciated if those would be answered. Thank you.



1. You could create your own fictional world. Where you have complete control, what you say/think goes. I think inventing new characters is a good thing too, something which may not have been done before.

2. Yes that would work, write whatever you are comfortable with but I would suggest planning everything fully.

You are, literally, the master of your own destiny, go for it!


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