Felicity asked me to post my basic editing checklist

by Adrian Sroka
14th February 2014

Fliss, here's my basic editing checklist.

1) Plot - Check the Linked Cause and Effect throughout my novel.

2) Storyine - Check for Weaknesses, Repetition and 'Shoes and Socks'


3) Characters - Their Function and Actions. Eg. Are they always acting, speaking, and thinking in character.

4) Sign-Posting - In my chapters have I indicated to the reader where there next part of my story is leading.

5) Topic Sentences - Do my paragraphs have topic sentences to indicate to the reader what the next section is about.

6) Chapter Titles - Are my chapter titles suitable.

7) Chapters - Do my chapters have a dramatic opening, a signpost, and end with a cliff-hanger, or a hook.

8) Dialogue - Does it make sense when spoken aloud.

9) Streams of Thought - Does it make sense when spoken aloud.

10) Descriptions - Are they vivid, but not too long.

11) Settings - Do my settings have a strong purpose. Are they generally motivated.

12) Prose - Does my prose flow. Does it have pace.

13) Keep my sentences as short as possible.

14) Fix clunky sentences.

15) Cutting Superfluous Text - Every-Word-Must-Earn-Its-Keep.

George Orwell:

(i) Never use a metaphor, simile, or other figure of speech which you are used to seeing in print.

(ii) Never use a long word where a short one will do.

(iii) If it is possible to cut a word out, always cut it out.

(iv) Never use the passive where you can use the active. Use short sentences for pace, and write in the active voice.

(v) Never use a foreign phrase, a scientific word, or a jargon word if you can think of an everyday English equivalent.

16) Grammar.

17) Punctuation.

Readers are free to copy my basic editing checklist.


I hope you find it useful.


Many thanks for this.

So much good, important information here.

Thanks again.

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Hi Adrian,

Very useful! Thanks so much for posting this. My approach to writing books so far has been pretty chaotic, mostly just rushing in and not taking time to consider these points, which explains why I haven’t finished anything. I like the advice from Orwell too, plenty to take on board there.

Thanks again,


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18) Show not Tell - Have I shown not told when relaying information to the reader.

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Adrian Sroka