Freelance writing

by Paul Cosgrove
18th June 2012

I'm looking into the possibility of developing as a freelance writer, I've had articles published in magazines several years ago, largely as insights into investments and personal finance. However I was a little bit bemused to find a couple of websites I found promoting freelance opportunities insisting on degree level education. I wasn't aware that university was a pre-requisite for writing, does anyone have any thoughts or help for going down the freelance route without having to go to university? Freshers week appeals but not the years of university study that would follow!


Thanks very much for your interest and answers which are very much appreciated. I didn't mean to be flippant regarding a degree,but at 47 I'm currently studying for more professional exams and going to university is not an option, I do believe that life experience is as important and having run my own business Im used to working to deadlines and workng under pressure. I think the point I was trying to make is why cut off a potentially very large pool of talent by adding the criteria that may not be justifiable. Once again thanks and I will take on board your answers.

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At one point last year all four of the deli staff at a Morrisons branch near me had degrees. It was the only place they could find work.

I agree with Louise. Try writing about an area you have experience in and network as much as you can to find contacts. It's not that a degree is necessary for writing, it's just that those with degrees and student loans are especially keen not to be working in supermarkets after all their hard work and will take a lower wage.

And I always think it helps to remember all those people who write for a living (or at least started out as writers) and manage to scrap by without a degree. I hear Piers Morgan is still making ends meet :)

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Type Freelance Writing in the youtube search box.

I hope that helps.

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