Getting Ready To Search For An Agent

by Christophoros Demetriou
22nd February 2012

I have seen similar questions in previous posts, but I wanted to create a new one and ask if anyone has any ideas.

I have been working on my MS for some time now, and I feel that I am ready to approach agents. There used to be a list here on the website, which as I have seen it has been removed when the site changed looks.

The new tab for listings on the website says coming soon. Does anyone know when that will be? Is there any estimation on when it will be up and running?

If not, then perhaps you might know if there is a book I can buy that has all the listings of agents? Or a reliable website I can visit in order to get the information I am looking for?

Mind you I have a copy of the list that used to be here on the website. I copied it about a year ago (probably more) when I thought I was ready to look for an agent but then decided against it and took some more time to complete my MS. Do you think I can use that list and just go through all the listings again? Or do you believe it will be outdated and perhaps I should try and look for a new one?

Thanks in advance for any replies :)


Either that of get the Writer's and Artist's handbook where it gives a full list.

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I have a similiar problem lol! i actually wrote up quite a few of the agents/publishers on the list and intend to use it....i think you will find if you search the publishers/agents in google they have their own websites with submission guidelines, so whether your list (and my list) is outdated, they will always have the right info on their own sites :)

Good Luck!

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