good character development techniques

by David Castanho
2nd August 2015

Hi everyone,

I wanted to ask if there was any techniques that you use to outline your characters. I'm starting the first chapter in an idea I have that involves fantasy and was hoping to find good ways to outline fantasy characters. any advice or useful links would be great.

Thanks :)


Myself, I'm a firm believer that all that "The characters in this story are the work of the writer's imagination. Any similarity to real persons is entirely coincidental." is a load of bunk. How do we "invent" [BELIEVABLE] characters without drawing from real life??? The craft is to take a little piece here, a little piece there (...), and sew them together in such a seamless way that people believe the finished product... and yet nobody can sue you for libel.

But then, maybe I've just got a hell of a lot less imagination than everybody else in this game.

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