Guess I destroy my books...

by T. O. Bührer
14th March 2012

Hello, folks! Today I'll be glad to know your opinion about a mania which I have. When you pick up one of the books I'm reading or those which I have already finished, you'll probably get very surprised about the MESS they have become - because of me! I make several notes and disorderly scribbles through it's pages (don't forgive any of them). Sometimes because I don't understand some point, or even because I found something interesting. Then, last week my cousin picked one of my books and she got scared. She said: Oh my god! You destroy your books, Tiago! What a shame!

The question is... in your opinion, do I really destroy my books?


They're your books! It's your world! I think that's fine! What I REALLY don't like (as someone working in a library) is people who write all over library books - it's called defacement and it's ugly! As for post-it notes or sticky paper markers - I spend my life having to get these out of books. Seriously annoying!

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YOU WRITE IN YOUR BOOKS!!!! AHHHH!!! Only messing. You own then. You bought them, you may treat them as you wish :) I personally use a note pad or post it notes if I am going to do that though :) and too be honest, I am usually so lost in a book I forget all about notes.

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I'm in two minds about this.

On the one hand, I try really hard to keep my more precious books looking as good as I can possibly maintain them!

On the other hand, there is something deeply satisfying about making annotations etc that you can refer back to. I have started to do this using iBooks for my own manuscripts (saving paper y'know) and I am finding that I probably enjoy annotation and posting "stickies" on my work more satisfying that writing it in the first place.

Annotation was probably the only thing I enjoyed about English as school...

So I guess I'm on the fence about this one. One thing I cannot fault though - there is nothing better than a well read (and maybe annotated) book!

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