Have you got too involved in your work?

by Sonya Kar
27th May 2013

I am being told I am working simply too hard on my writing, to the exclusion of other matters of importance that are simply being ignored. I can't help it, I have to write and it feels like the first priority. I have been known to miss a day of work to re-read a Harry Potter book in advance of the next release, so I am fairly obsessive. But when do you know that you are too involved? I feel I am doing the right thing. I want to get to my own set deadlines and if I stop now, I fear I will never finish and will lose momentum. Anyone else who is in my position? Any comments?


I am yet to meet a real writer who is not obsessive. It seems to be the norm, and is probably the explanation for their success.

@Adrian: You clearly understand and have sacrificed... more power to you!

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From a different perspective, who is telling you they are being ignored? And I phrase it like that because even if they've said otherwise they actually mean you are ignoring them. I can't tell you what to do about that as I'm still struggling with it myself. I think relationships with nearest and dearest do suffer when you write. At times you have to put down the pen, even when you're desperate to write that last scene, and just go be with people who want your time. If you don't, when you finally do you might find they are too busy with whatever they replaced you with.

My family are all having hot chocolate right now so it's time to join them. Vxx

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Just a note-I work for myself now, so it isn't on another employers' time. Important to make that distinction, so if I take a sick day off (now, not then. Then I was being irresponsible and many other horrible things), it is on my time and when I work-I get paid.

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Sonya Kar