Hello, Introducing Myself with Questions.

by Judy Perrin
4th January 2012

Hello everyone, I've only just discovered this place and decided to join. I'm more of an illustrator than a writer, though I do enjoy writing for pleasure, and my main question is this; I believe that, after many years of creating art, my work isn't bad, in fact I think that people will like it, but even after research, presentations (via the internet; I can't travel due to having zero income) I still keep getting rejections. Not a problem, it happens, however everyone says that they like my work, but it's not their style, even when I've done my research. It's becoming increasingly frustrating as I have many styles and tailor my portfolio, but I'm coming back to attempting illustration after a long break doing a day-job out of necessity, from which I was recently made redundant, and I'm still getting the same answers. I don't want to give up yet again, I believe in my art and people seem to love it, I just can't get agents or customers interested.

Also, another question, sorry for bombarding you all on my first ever post!

I write for pleasure, and have absolutely no idea who would read my novel and what age group or other demographic it would be targetted at; with this in mind, would I still be able to post in the Shared Works catergory? I'm a little sensitive when it comes to my writing, much mroe so than my art as I don't have the confidence with my written words that I do with my art.


Okay, I'll check the requirements and post some of it later, thankyou. :)

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Judy Perrin

Hello Judy and welcome.

I'm glad you still have faith in yourself, and like most writers, rejection is par for the course. I'm currently re-drafting my first manuscript, but I'm also writing a series of shorter stories for children, perhaps one day are paths might cross, who knows.

As to genre and demographics, place a sample of your writing under shared works, and I'll take a look at it for you. However, this is where you will have to grow a thicker skin, but i promise my comments will be nothing but constructive, as others will be I'm sure.

Look forward to seeing it.


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