
by Amanda Paquin
20th November 2012

Hello everyone.

I seem to have a hard time organizing my ideas.

For example I have one story in mind, but then I always get other ideas to add or replace the current content of the story. I feel like my mind is jumping all over the place with ideas and scenes that don't connect.

How can I organize my ideas, stay on topic with out trying to mash 4 or more different ideas in one story ?


Thank you for your replies.

I do write them down incase they might be useful, and I've tried writing outlines of chapters but I don't seem to follow them. Haha I don't know why.

The problem with this is the characters change, even the era changes from medieval to modern. Like Jonathan said sometimes the characters take life on their own (which only happens for certain characters), characters that I've had for about seven years or so, It drives me nuts, its like I can't make up my mind on what needs to happen.

I've had these characters for so long and they always tend to show me certain scenes that are all mixed up.

Ive rewritten their story so many times, I finally feel like I'm slowly getting somewhere, its just I feel like Im getting new ideas out of thin air that don't belong.

Oh well got to deal with it XD

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Amanda Paquin

Hi Amanda,

I think this happens to all of us. When it happens to me, I travel with my imagination but make sure I take my characters with me, that way I can see how they react to any situation. It tends to happen when something I'm writing isn't quite right and my imagination takes me to a eureka moment. Go with it, but as Jonathan pointed out, have a note book ready and be prepared to set it aside for another story another day.

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I don't think this works for everyone but I use an outline, basically a list of chapters making up the book with notes of what happens in each. It can be as simple or detailed as you like but I've found it helps keep me focussed on the plotline.

It's an unfortunate fact that sometimes, when you believe in your characters, they can have an unfortunate tendency to take on a life of their own and wander about all over the place. That's good, in a way - it makes them more realistic. But it's a nightmare for storytelling when you're trying desperately to keep them on a straight(ish), narrow path from the prologue to the end.

Then, if you do find your mind wandering elswhere, just jot down the notes for new scenes or stories somewhere else, for future use, and the outline'll help get you back on track.

Well, it does for me :)

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