Helpful feedback on stories

by susan Russell
11th February 2014

Sometimes I look at a story & think what rubbish, so refrain from commenting rather than crush someone's fragile hopes (after all sending your work 'out there' can be like taking off your clothes in public). Then I will see that others have added valuable feedback. What is the best/most useful way to approach reviewing someone else's work?


Apologies for the double post. I blame Mercury retrograde!

Profile picture for user joy.dram_25595
270 points
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Joy Dramargon

YES to Neeraj, Felicity, Kate and VW.

Renee, the first part of your post is spot on. I would add that this is a two-way learning process. It's great when an author responds to critiques (I've noticed that many don't.). Personally, it helps to develop my 'critical eye', essential when I edit my work. Readers interpret things differently. It can only be good for me to know that your understanding is what the author intended as opposed to mine. The next step is to apply that to my writing to ensure that my 'message' is as clear as possible to my readers.

Profile picture for user joy.dram_25595
270 points
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Crime, Mystery, Thriller
Joy Dramargon

YES to Neeraj, Felicity, Kate and VW.

Renee, the first part of your post is spot on. I would add that this is a two-way learning process. It's great when an author responds to critiques (I've noticed that many don't.). Personally, it helps to develop my 'critical eye', essential when I edit my work. Readers interpret things differently. It can only be good for me to know that your understanding is what the author intended as opposed to mine. The next step is to apply that to my writing to ensure that my 'message' is as clear as possible to my readers.

Profile picture for user joy.dram_25595
270 points
Practical publishing
Short stories
Speculative Fiction
Gothic and Horror
Crime, Mystery, Thriller
Joy Dramargon