Hi everyone. I've got a question for you all.

by Myrisha Connelly
24th February 2014

I know I haven't been on for a while but I'd like to ask for your honest opinion on what I'm busy writing about!

I'm writing Young Adult, what involves domestic violence, also rape. Do you think it should be wrote about or left alone, I believe it needs to be told, as it can happen at any age! Do Young Adults need to learn about this, or should it be kept under the carpet like always!

Again honest opinions welcome. I'd like to hear others thoughts on this.


I'm writing a young adult that contains rape also, However though you have written as a Young Adult it may not be marketed that way because of the content. An example of this is Forever by Judy Blume, though aimed at young adults and most except as that her publishing company advertised it as an adult book.

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Hi Paul, thank you for your answer.

This is coming from a personal experience, and I've also witnessed it with friends. I've wanted to write about this for sometime, I know not to come over to angry as I want people especially the young audience to be able to read it comfortably.

It isn't easy to write, but I'm getting through it as much as I possibly can.

It is like opening that can of worms what you stored away from everyone and everything.

Thank you again. I will post some on here when I'm done.

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Hi Myrisha.

I would say that there is no subject that cannot be written about, neither is there anything that should not be talked about. We are lucky enough to live in a free society - for most of mankind's history, vast swaithes of the population did not; many still do not - and it is all of our duties to tell these uncomortable stories.

If I may ask, is this story coming from personal experience? First hand or as an observer? People need to be told what goes on that they do not see, but remember to try and keep the anger low. If you write angrily, there is every chance the story may be concealed within a veil of ferocious hatred. Joe and Jane Public don't need to be preached at, and in general prefer happy uplifting stories.

So in order to get in their heads it would be best to write down what you need to, then see whether you can couch it in something more acceptable to a wider audience. That way, you can more easily get your message across.

Within the last week in Sudan, a woman was found guilty of being gang-raped; fined, given a prison sentence and deported. She only escaped stoning because she was pregnant at that time of the attack. In Ukraine 100 plus people died for the freedom they thought had already earned just over a decade ago. I could list many more abuses that go on worldwide, but the point I'm making is that although we are free in these enlightened societies, there is much darkness out there in the world. In order for your particular shadows to be exposed to the great disinfectant of sunlight, please just consider how you can blunt the edges a little, while still keeping the hardcore message inside.

Write it. And post some sections here for comment and advice, but be aware of the posting rules regarding language and subject matter.

Good luck.


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