by John Kanu Woko
23rd July 2015


How can I be linked with a literary agent?


Hello Jimmy Hollis I Dickson/Jemma Huq,

Thank you, your words are very encouraging and inspiring.

You both have given a very articulating advice and encouraging tips.

I will continue to search as I also put your piece of advice in practice.

Thank you.

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Kanu Woko
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John Kanu Woko

First, read everything available about how to submit to an agent.

Then, reverse the roles, pretend to be an agent, ask what you'd want.

Next, once sure you understand the rules of submitting to an agent, bend them to your own advantage.

(No, I can't tell you in detail how to do this, it differs for each occasion, work it yourself)

Cheating, cutting the corners of approach, everything works PROVIDING what you submit is as good as you think it is.

Unfortunately, often it isn't and that is the hardest lesson any writer has to learn. While I decry the attitude of publishers who won't read manuscripts and agents who reject them, any writer worth their pen must acknowledge these people know the trade, we have to listen and use the information to our own advantage. Whatever tricks a writer pulls to get published will usually be forgiven if what they have to offer is really really worthwhile.

Profile picture for user ncotmail_40270
270 points
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Jemma Huq

I'm afraid that this is probably going to take a lot of work:

1) First, you're going to have to produce some writing so good (or - failing that - so marketable) that an agent is going to take that leap of faith for you. Remember that agents don't get any money for the work that they do UNLESS they find a publisher to buy your work. (Any who charge you a fee WHILE they're working on that shouldn't be trusted, because - with your money already in their swimming pool - they're more likely to be working on their tan than on your future.)

2) Next, you're going to have to research agents to find the ones that are just right for you. Hours on the Internet (or with a printed list of agents which includes some more-or-less detailed information on what each agent is looking for in a new writer).

3) Then you're going to have to send out [probably] LOADS of letters and/or e-mails to the list of most-likely agents.

4) And you've got to convince at least one of those that YOU are just the right writer for THEM.

Piece of cake...

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Hollis i Dickson
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