To leave the reader in no doubt as to what you mean, how do you decide on the right choice or words?
I believe my grammar and punctuation has improved through reading Penguin books on, Grammar, Punctuation and Plain English. Also, I believe I have benefited enormously from reading novels. But my Grammar and Punctuation needs much improvement.
The errors I make when I post are due to tiredness, carelessness, and rushing my response to a question. I am sure we are all guilty of that at times.
Do you question the strict dictionary definition or words as you write, or are you confident the reader will understand your meaning?
There are many words in common use which are used incorrectly.
An example is the word, Prejudice. It means to Pre-Judge, but mention the word Prejudice and there are many who automatically assume that it only has racial connotations.
I would be interested to see your examples of the misuse of words.
Is / Are
Was / Were
Should have been added to my list.
Now that it's safe to comment - the day having gone well...
watching the pre-marathon (London) on the TV this morning I noticed a police van with writing on the back... "Explosive Search Dogs". I am not getting anywhere near them!
Maybe the Spelling Police will make them add an "S" to the first word sometime?
For all my sins, the various forms of 'writing' always always catch me out.
One thing that really drives me round the bend is when people say "Kids" instead of "Children." Last I checked our youth were not baby goats, even if they act like them (and look like them sometimes).
Oh, and when scone is pronounced scone.... It's a scone until its scone... Tut tut.
I seem to use omitted rather a lot in the wrong context these days too.